Holy Week and Easter Art Exhibition Rules
- This competition is open to all Catholic School students in Stage 5. Artworks are judged both on their artistic merit and the artist’s original and personal written reflection on the chosen Scripture.
- Students may use a variety of media: eg. paint, watercolours, oils, pastels, pencil, pen, charcoal etc. Students must complete the artworks in their entirety.
- Artworks can be:
- A drawing or painting prepared on A3 cartridge paper, 110gsm and up to the maximum size of 80cm x 120cm. Artworks can be portrait or landscape orientation
- A stretched canvas painting and/or mixed media of similar dimensions as those above
- A small sculpture not exceeding the dimensions of ½ a metre squared
4. At submission, each artwork must complete a separate Google Form per submission. These are emailed to REC’s in Term 1. have the following information is required:
- Artist’s full name
- School’s full name and suburb
- Artist’s year group at time completing the artwork
- Artwork title
- The scripture reference chosen
- A brief written reflection on the artwork (1000 characters/ 160 words max)
5. Each submission is asked to have the student’s full name, year group and school clearly identified on the back of the artwork. Artworks must have wire or string affixed for hanging.
6. It is recommended that the student’s written reflection follows the following format:
Subject matter – Identify your chosen Scripture passage. Describe the subject matter of your artwork.
- Personal – How does your choice of subject manner relate to your family, culture, an event or experience in your life?
- Scriptural – In what ways does your chosen Scripture deepen your faith, stimulate your imagination or lead your reflection and prayer?
- Artistic – Is your artwork an appropriation of, or inspired by another artist's work, or your original work? What is your style, media and intention?
7. The artworks are due early in Term 1, at a date advertised to REC’s via email. They can be handed over at the 1st REC cluster meeting of Term 1 or hand delivered to:
- Catholic Education, Diocese of Bathurst: 138 Sheraton Rd Dubbo NSW 2830
8. A teaching program is available for both teachers of Religious Education and Visual Arts to assist staff in aspects of Scripture and artmaking. This can be found on the REC’s Shared Drive. The program includes a variety of resources based on the specific Scripture to assist learners. In addition, there will be practical workshops for students and staff. Students should bring their draft entries developed from the teaching program to these workshops to be further developed and completed post workshop.
9. The subject matter for artworks is to be drawn from the following Scripture:
Year 9
- Matthew 21:1-11- Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem
- John 13: 1-17- Jesus washes the Disciples feet
- Matthew 26:36-46- Jesus prays in Gethsemane
- Luke 23:26-31- Jesus Carrying the Cross
- John 19:17-29- The Crucifixion
- John 20:1-10- The Resurrection of Jesus
- John 20:11-18 - Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
- John 20-24-29 Jesus Appears to Thomas
Year 10
- Luke 22:14-23- The Institution of the Lord’s Supper
- Luke 22:54-62- Peter denies Jesus
- Luke 23:26-43- The Crucifixion of Jesus
- John 20:1-10- The Resurrection of Jesus
- John 21:1-17 - Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples
- Luke 24:13-35- The Walk to Emmaus
- Acts 1:6-11- The Ascension of Jesus
- Acts 2:1-21- Pentecost
11. The judge’s decision is deemed final and no further correspondence will be entered into. In submitting works for the exhibition, artist and schools agree to the use of images and publication of said works across CEDB and Parish networks in printed and digital forms.